

There is a 7 ½ hectares of land where maize is grown. Part of the maize is consumed by pupils while dried maize is used for preparing feeds for pigs in the school. This directly becomes one of the cost cutting measures that the school has put in place. The school continues engaging in partaking in the agricultural activity


The school keeps broilers for consumption in the dining hall. There are 1400 birds that are kept periodically per term for consumptions. This has directly reduced financial spending on purchasing chicken. More importantly this has actively helped pupils to develop hands on skills in poultry keeping through the agriculture department


The school runs a cattle rearing project. Currently there are 30 heads of cattle inclusive of calves; these are kept in the school for purposes of slaughtering and feeding pupils at school. Besides consumption purposes and a cost cutting measure pupils have learnt several skills in Agriculture, Geography and Science

School tuck-shop

Conscious of the fact that our learners need constant supply of commodities, there is a tuck-shop which operates at stipulated regular times where stationery and small food stuffs are sold to the learners and staff members. The tuck-shop is also a fundraising venture for the school. The tuck-shop operations raise between $100 and $150 profit per week. This money goes towards developmental projects in the school.

Cost Reduction Measures

       School fees are kept low by applying cost effective measures as follows:

  • The school buys beasts for consumption by pupils which is cheaper than buying meat from the butcheries.
  • The school keeps chicken (1400 birds) per term in a bid to reduce the cost of money spent on purchasing chicken.
  • The bus is used for sporting, cultural activities and ferrying parent and pupils. In the past the school would hire private operators which meant the school was spending more money than anticipated and more often the buses were not reliable.
  • The school recently installed gas stove meant to minimise the firewood consumption.
  • The school bought its own Public Address System used during entertainment sessions for pupils and during other important occasions such as Prize Giving Ceremonies, (and our once off Golden Jubilee Celebrations), etc. Unlike hiring the P.A system and losing money the school directly benefits and generates funds using it.
  • The Interact Club generates funds through fund raising activities which are held in the school. These are used to assist the needy pupils in the school and community
  • Installation of two submissive pumps have reduced the water bill significantly and the school awaits to see the efficiency of the Solar Pump installed to compliment the supply of water.
  • The school is let out for hire by churches e.g. on Easter celebrations

The school bus sometimes is hired out